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[100%] IMP Questions For Biology HSC Exam 2021

Very Important Questions For        Biology HSC Exam 2021

1) State and Explain Mendel's law of Inheritance

2) "Test cross is a back cross but back cross is not necessarily a test cross" Explain

3) Write a note on Plieotropy

4) State and explain 'Law of Independant Assortment' with suitable example.

5) What is monohybrid cross?give reasons for Mendel's success.

6) Describe Watson and Crick model of DNA.

7) Explain mechanismof DNA replication with diagram.

8) Describe Hershey & Chase experiment to prove DNA is genetic materials.

9) Describe "Lac Operon" concept.

10) Explain transcription & translation.

11) What DNA replication is called semi conservation ?

12) Explain mechanismof DNA replication with diagram.

13) Describe the steps involved in recombinant DNA technologyWhat is bacteriophage?

14)Explain lytic cycle of bacteriophage with suitable diagram.

15) What is palindrome?

16) What are transposons?Explain its 2 types.

17) What is bio-patent? Give two examples.

18) What is tissue culture?Describe methodology of tissue culture & its applications.

19) Define SCP , its microbial source and application.

20) Explain mutation breeding.

21) Name disease resistant and insect resistant varieties of crops.

22) Explain steps involved in plant breeding.

23) Explain microbes in sewage treatment.

24) What are bio-fertilizers? Explain with example.

25) Explain the role of microbes in bio-gas production and advantages of bio-gas.

26) Give chemical composition of bio-gas.

27) Give some examples of edible & non edible mushrooms.

28) Describe Calvin cycle

29) What is photo-respiration? Give its diagrammatic representation

30) Give schematic representation of cyclic photophosphorylation

31) Sketch and label ultrastructure of chloroplast

32) Describe diff. types of chlorophyll pigments.

33) Distinguish between C3 & C4 pathway

34) Describe CAM pathway.

35) Define glycolysis ,give its schematic representation & give its significance.

36) Describe Kreb's cycle.

37) Why is respiration called Amphibolic pathway?

38) Give floral adaptations of Anemophily & Entomophily

39) Describe the structure of anatropous ovule along with diagram.

40) Describe natural methods of vegetative propagation .

41) Sketch and label parts of typical flower

42)Give schematic representation of carbon cycle.Define greenhouse effect.

43) Which greenhouse gas is mainly responsible for global warming?

44) Short notes on (a)Neanderthal man (b) Cro-Magnon Man (c) Homo-erectus (d) Homo-habilis

45) What is adaptation?Explain aquatic adaptations along with example.

46) Distinguish between Ape and Man

47) What is sex linkage?Explain Inheritance of colour blindness & haemophilia with suitable charts.

48) Explain Turner's syndrome & Klinefilter's syndrome.

49) Describe the structure and types of chromosomes.

50) Give salient features of Chromosomal theory

51) What is Y linked or holandric genes ?

52) Distinguish between X&Y chromosomes

53) Name and explain the steps involved in DNA fingerprinting.

54) What is vaccine ? Explain steps involved in vaccine production.

55) Describe structure of antibody.

56) Write a note on HIV.

57) With the help of chart ,explain compatibility of Human blood groups OR ABO blood groups along with Rh factor.

58) Described antigen-antibody complex.

59) What is acquired immunity ? Explain its types

60) Name Indian and Exotic breeds of cows and buffaloes

61) Describe Hypertension.Write a note on Angina Pectoris.

62) With the help of a neat labelled diagram describe the internal structure of human heart.

63) Explain in detail about ECG and give its various uses.

64) Describe in brief the different types of leucocytes.

65) What is excretion? Describe various modes of excretion in animals .

66) Sketch ,label and describe structure of Nephron.

67) What is kidney failure ? Explain various types of it along with kidney transplantation.

68) Explain the structure of pituitary gland and various hormones secreted by pituitary gland.

69) Explain structure of Adrenal gland along with secretion of hormones & their effects of hypo and hyper secretion of hormone

70) Structure of human brain along with functions performed by various regions.

71) Describe the human male reproductive system along with diagram.

72) Describe Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis.

73) Describe structure of human sperm and egg.

74) Explain various methods of birth control

75) What is gastrulation ,explain how formation of 3 germinal layers and extra embryonic membranes takes place.

76) Justify method of conservation of bio-diversity includes hot spot method.

77) Justify PVC is mandatory for all vehicles and industries .

78) What is parasitism ? Explain various types of it. 

79) Explain Mutualism and Commensalism type of association with example.


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